What to Do If Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Want You to Work as a Cam Model?

Whether to tell your boyfriend or not that you work as a webcam girl is a usual question every cam model thinks of. If you are married, what will be your husband’s opinion of this way of earning money? If to keep it a secret, will he ever find out the truth? We will look closer into these questions and will find a constructive solution; we will help you to make up your mind as well.

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Whether to tell about webcam or not

I’ve been dating a guy for three months already, I haven’t told him about my work yet and I’m not sure if I should… What shall I do? Help me!” Such messages often can be read on special forums and sites devoted to webcam. But are the answers there really useful? Very often they are not, because they are given by people who haven’t really worked in this business themselves. In this situation two pieces of advice can be given and they depend much on the honesty of your answers to the following three questions, which you should ask yourself:

  • Do you see your future together with this guy?
  • Is the guy you are seeing a decent person? (You could give him from 0 to 10 points while thinking of this and don’t forget to recollect what he has told you about his exes).
  • Are you 100% sure of him?

It’s of vital importance to answer these questions honestly. In case you said “yes” to the first question, gave your guy 9 or 10 points while answering the second question and 99 or 100% while answering the third question, then you definitely may tell your boyfriend the truth. The key is to present the information correctly – write all the arguments for and against webcam on a sheet of paper, learn it by heart and tell him.

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The second piece of advice is the following: if you answered in the negative at least one of the questions or if you are just not sure of your boyfriend, under no circumstances tell him about your work because you might want to think about possible consequences.

Tell your husband, he will understand you

The next situation is the following:

My husband doesn’t earn enough money. I have found a very convenient side job on webcam but I don’t tell my husband about it because I’m afraid. What shall I do?” Professionals give a clear piece of advice in this situation; you should tell your husband everything. It’s of paramount importance to find the right arguments and to explain the essence of this work. It’s the psychology of flirt and nothing more. In any case, until you haven’t gone too far, this is optimal advice.

We have written two popular stories with answers, which will help you to plan how to act. All the pieces of advice are acute now. It’s up to you to decide what you are going to do, but keep in mind that nothing stays buried forever.